Rugby Kicking Tee – Football Tee – Kick Straight FAST
Want to learn how to Kick A Rugby Ball Straight in just a matter of Minutes!!!
The Results will Amaze You. That’s our Guarantee to You.
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Learn how to Kick a Rugby Ball STRAIGHT in a matter of Minutes!!! The Results will Amaze You. That’s our Guarantee to You.
The Moose Kicking Tee is Australian designed ─ suitable for all football codes. This tee is for all Footy Players from 5 years to Adult.
No matter what your footy code Rugby, Rugby League, AFL and Soccer, having your foot correctly impact with the ball is essential for achieving a Straight Accurate Kick.
We have tested and trailed the Moose kicking tee and it achieves awesome results. If fact, its the FIRST kicking tee of its kind in the world. It allows the player to develop and refine the movement patterns required to execute a brilliant drop punt.
Rugby Ball being kicked from a Moose TeeAs a coaching aid, the Moose kicking tee enables players to experience how it feels to connect with the ball properly and hearing that awesome sound, when the ball hit in the right spot, then seeing the results. The accuracy of a backwards spinning ball, end-over-end.
Perfect training aid to teach younger junior players, how to kick a rugby ball correctly. Based on the drop punt, which is used predominantly in AFL. The Moose football tee is uniquely designed to enable the perfect connection between a player’s boot and the ball’s. The result is a More Accurate and Longer Projection of the ball from a stationary position.

Used as a training aid and for on-field goals, this kicking tee suits all codes and levels of footy.
Approved by the ARU, the MOOSE kicking tee has a revolutionary shape, resembling antlers, which allows the ball to sit slightly elevated from the ground. Where traditional kicking tees require an angled kick from the side of the boot, the Moose Rugby kicking tee simply requires you to kick it straight.
With one foot firmly planted on the ground, the kicking foot drives the power directly through the middle of the ball and towards the target. The kicking tee isolates the kicking action due to the design of the tee. The player just passes his foot through the antlers and strikes the ball. Doing this, ensures boot meets the ball on impact in the correct position..Postage is by Australia Post and Tracking Number is provided with all orders.
1 review for Rugby Kicking Tee – Football Tee – Kick Straight FAST
Feed Back from Players who have used the Moose Football Tee
“Why hasn’t somebody thought of this before? What an amazing concept!”– Dan Vickerman, Former Australian Wallaby
“An exceptional coaching aid for refining the drop punt for all ages and levels of play.”– Mark Smyth, High Performance Manager (AFL)
“It’s the perfect kicking tool for building muscle memory to kick it straight.”– Chris Malone, Head Coach Sydney University
There’s never been a better time to Kick A Rugby Ball Straight
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Learn to kick straight with power and accuracy, this tee is a great coaching tool.