Tag Archives: AFL football training equipment

What are the Benefits of Practicing with AFL Ross Faulkner Training Ball on a String?

That Training Ball has always been home to some of the highest quality AFL training footballs for men and women from different age groups. We have always offered training balls of various sizes from the very best brands and Ross Faulkner has been one of them. Indeed, every AFL football on a string from Ross Faulkner … Continue reading What are the Benefits of Practicing with AFL Ross Faulkner Training Ball on a String?

How Much Should Kids Train To Become Quality Football Players?

Most kids are starting their football training early and training harder to achieve their goal. And to motivate them, coaches are also giving them incentives to win- be in the form of big trophies and even club-level medals. However, when the stakes are high, and the pressure to perform is overwhelming- being skilled and fitter … Continue reading How Much Should Kids Train To Become Quality Football Players?

Mark Your Health and Sporting Success with AFL Football Training Equipment

Are you a football enthusiast or just fond of the game? Everyone wants to dedicate their 100% to perfect the game. Therefore, in order to achieve perfection, one needs to practice a lot with the various training equipment. Thanks to the companies and the technological development that have made the required product available to the … Continue reading Mark Your Health and Sporting Success with AFL Football Training Equipment