Tag Archives: Football Tees

How to Pick up the Best Football Kicking Tee?

 Football kicking tees are a specially designed equipment that plays an extremely pivotal role in helping a kicker successfully convert the post try into point score. Now there is a definite technique of taking the initial shot and the trainees need to master those skills. A quality kicking tee will help a trainee master … Continue reading How to Pick up the Best Football Kicking Tee?

Rugby Ball Features that Affect Training as a Whole

Your kid will learn football better if he gets the right ball. So, choosing the correct one is something that you need to do as a parent. Well, the process is not complex. All you need to do is look for a few features in the ball that you are buying. And yes, the ball … Continue reading Rugby Ball Features that Affect Training as a Whole

Why Practising Liquid Grip is Essential in Kids Football Training?

Rugby is considered to be one of most rough-and-tumble games – and rightly so. The game needs  a combination of physical fortitude and skills. Thus, right from the time of grooming, the trainees are taught to master these skills and develop the muscular power to sustain that rigour of match situations. Any rugby player would … Continue reading Why Practising Liquid Grip is Essential in Kids Football Training?

What are the Qualities of A High Quality Football Kicking Tee?

There are times when trainees would put emphasis on the balls, the boots, and other training gears like the market cones, the bibs, the belt sets, the power speed resistors et al, leaving out the kicking tees. Perhaps the fact that these tees are needed just to position the ball for the kick and as … Continue reading What are the Qualities of A High Quality Football Kicking Tee?