Tag Archives: goal posts

1 X END SET Goal Post Set – The Best Football Training Equipment to Perfect Your ‘Tee Off’

One of the major aspects of football training is ‘teeing’! You will find a number of kids who have gone through a substantial proportion of training, are still not been able to perfect their ‘tees’. The reason is simple! They have not used the perfect training equipment that is needed for perfecting the tee-offs. Hence, … Continue reading 1 X END SET Goal Post Set – The Best Football Training Equipment to Perfect Your ‘Tee Off’

How to Use the Football on an Elastic String? Find Out the Right Rules

If you want your kid to be a soccer star in the future, the dedicated practice session needs to be started in the early. It is not only about enrolling your child for footy coaching, but you have to take care of the indoor training. As parents, you are an excellent source of motivation for … Continue reading How to Use the Football on an Elastic String? Find Out the Right Rules

How Can Backyard Goal Posts Hone the Footy Skill of Your Kid?

Want to turn your unused backyard to a perfect footy stadium this time? Well, that dream of yours is practically one click away from you. All you need to include is a backyard goal post in your yard along with some other footy training tools ready for your kid, and nothing can stop him from … Continue reading How Can Backyard Goal Posts Hone the Footy Skill of Your Kid?